Structural Integrity & Preventive Measures
Al Saqf manages and tracks the condition of the structure during its entire
lifecycle – ensuring they are fit for purpose and one can reduce unplanned
downtime, optimise maintenance costs and intervals, improve safety and
environmental integrity and extend the life of ageing assets.
Structural Integrity management and its Remedial measures Include :
- Configurable reporting
- Anomaly management
- Configuration and data loading tools
- Interface to structural analysis models
- Providing a comprehensive and flexible asset database for centralized data management
- Easy to attach or refer to documents, photos and drawings
- Integrity status overview on browser or tablet for quick access
- 3D view model for immediate, up-to-date and user-friendly status overview
- Intuitive search gives access to fleet’s ‘as-is’ structural condition with drill-down to each asset
- Configurable workflow, forms and reports for matching organizational processes
- Inspection work scheduling, packaging, execution and recording
- Protection & Rehabilitation to extend the lifespan of infrastructure Components such as pipe networks for various plants such as oil, gas & water.
As a professional Consultant, our expertise includes industry best practices,
combining engineering domain knowledge with our structural integrity software
for non destructive evaluations such as Geospatial analysis or spatial analysis
and for structural and Geo spatial analysis available agencies in the country shall
be engaged to help us assist the status for the engineering solution to help you
maximize your return on investment and get the best solution in place.